Leaf filter quote near Villa Park

Gutter guards are an extremely common solution and now we just offer the best product to our clients. Our gutter guards are produced from the greatest quality materials available, with an industrial application design that can withstand the absolute most severe climate conditions. We only use tested and authorized materials, constructed in factories which are entirely dedicated to building this type of product for all of us. Our gutter guard systems are assembled in the United States.

Leaf filter service near Villa Park

Our gutter guard filters are built with an aluminum framework with surgical metal fine mesh. Our gutter guard fine mesh screens are tested to our highest requirements. The gutter guards are constructed of a high-quality stainless steel mesh, which will be way more resistant to rusting and permanently mounted on an aluminum frame. The screen mesh is made of medical steel, that is a whole lot more durable than standard stainless as it has a much higher melting point.

Gutter Cleaning is a Dangerous and Dirty Job Facts

During a 16 year study, ladder-related injuries per 100,000 individuals increased almost twenty five percent. 97.3 % occurred in non-work settings, for example houses. Over 2 mil individuals needed to be admitted to the hospital, that is twice the hospitalization percentage from consumer-product related accidents.

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